Finally, a Manuscript

So, one of the reasons I titled this Website “bradpokornycreates” is I wanted to have a place to showcase not only my creative endeavors in painting but also to have a landing site for my work as a writer.

As many of my friends know, I’ve been working for the last few years on a novel. And I finally have a manuscript ready to send out to agents and publishers.

I’ve put up a first chapter here.

As I’ve noted on my home page, the novel is set at the beginning of World War II in Burma. It follows the endeavors of three American pilots as the arrive, train, and begin to fight the Japanese.

The book draws extensively on personal diaries and contemporary accounts of the American Volunteer Group, as the Tigers were officially known, and strives to be historically accurate in its setting, timeline, and cultural references. I’ve been quite a nerd about that.

For example, in the opening chapter, the idea of shooting at telephone poles during the train ride from Rangoon to the training base in Toungoo is based on a real incident.

Anyway, I hope to begin to post more about all this as time goes on.

For now, my main task is to find and agent and a publisher.

If any of you have ideas about that, please contact me at

I’m also on Instagram at: